Aalto University
As a spearhead initiative in its Innovation Strategy, the government of Finland established Aalto University in August 2009 through a full merger between three of Finland’s leading universities in their fields; the Helsinki University of Technology, the Helsinki School of Economics and the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, formerly known as the University of Art and Design.
The Engineered nanosystems (ENS) group of Aalto University focuses on theoretical and experimental studies of III-V semiconductor devices and thermophotonic devices. The group’s present work aims at demonstrating electroluminescent cooling in particular and in generating new insight on the physics and operation of photonic devices and thermophotonic structures.

Radboud University
Situated in the oldest city of the Netherlands, Radboud University Nijmegen has seven faculties and enrols over 22.000 students. The university is member of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) for Raw Materials. The Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) at the science faculty of the university counts about 350 scientists working in 24 closely cooperating departments. The IMM department of Applied Materials Science (AMS) has a staff of 15 scientists and supporting technicians conducting research on the deposition, processing and analysis of innovative III-V compound semiconductor devices. The research at AMS is focused on the development of high-efficiency, thin-film devices like photovoltaic (PV) cells and the Epitaxial Lift-Off (ELO) technology for wafer reuse. Evidenced by multiple officially acknowledged world records in cell efficiencies, AMS has a worldwide leading position in this rapidly emerging field. For the utilisation of its research results AMS closely cooperates with industrial partners that aim to apply the high-efficiency, thin-film devices in high-tech applications such as satellite and light concentrator systems. In addition this RBU group forwarded 4 start-up companies in PV cell analysis, production and application.

French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
CNRS is the largest governmental research organisation in France and the largest fundamental science agency in Europe. It employs 32 000 permanent employees and is closely associated to universities and higher-education institutions throughout France.

The Centre for Energy and Thermal Sciences of Lyon (CETHIL) is a unit located at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Lyon. Research covers many fields in the area of thermal and energy sciences, from low temperatures to the ones of combustion and from the nanometre to the urban area length scale. The ‘Micro and Nanoscale Heat Transfer’ (MiNT) team is involved in TPX-Power.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT), Finland
State-owned VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is part of Finland’s innovation system and operates under the mandate of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. VTT is the largest internationally networked R&D centre for applied research in Northern Europe, harnessing multiple high technologies to develop scientific solutions for sustainable development and creating new business opportunities. In 2016 VTT had a staff of 2,400, net turnover of 188 M€, and other operational income of 81 M€.

tf2 devices is a spin-off company from the Radboud University Nijmegen, to further develop thin-film III-V semiconductor technology based on the Epitaxial Lift-Off (ELO) technique. This technique brings numerous advantages to a whole range of (opto)electronic devices.